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History of Jewish American Achievement

Next Airing: Fri, Apr 26th, 2024 at 11:30 AM on UEN-TV

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Actress Mare Winningham narrates this chronicle of extraordinary Jewish American achievement. It is a saga that in the 21st century has seen the achievements of Jewish Americans blossom in fields as diverse as the Internet to government. The recent successes of these extraordinary Americans are built upon the shoulders of giants who for more than three centuries have contributed amazing achievements to the story of America - so many that the list would be endless. It is a unique history of greatness, service to country, humanitarianism, and love of education.


  • The New Jewish American

    Jewish Americans, instrumental in making the United States the leader of the Digital Age, recognize the need to balance their American and Jewish heritages. Chapters: 1970- Judy Blume Changes Children's Literature. 1977- Woody Allen and Steven Spielberg. 1993- Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court. 1996- Sergey Brin Starts Google. 2003- Mark Zuckerberg Launches Facebook. 2009- Jewish American Doll Debuted by American Girl.

    Next Airing: Fri, Apr 26th, 2024 at 11:30 AM on UEN-TV
    Length: 00:27:39
    Usage rights: Expires 6/30/2034
  • A Golden Age for Jewish Americans

    Writer Edna Ferber, singer Al Jolson and artist Max Weber are three of thousands of Jewish American men and women who achieve greatness and change America in the decades between the two World Wars. Chapters: 1925- Florence Prag Kahn Becomes the First Jewish American Woman in Congress. 1925- Edna Ferber is the First Jewish American to Win Pulitzer Prize. 1927- Jolson and Gershwin Bring Jazz onto the American Stage. 1933- The Marx Brothers Release A Night at the Opera. 1938- Painter Max Weber Founds Linear Expressionism.

    Length: 00:28:37
    Usage rights: Expires 6/30/2034
  • Jewish Americans and World War 2

    Program five examines the darkest period of Jewish American life - the Holocaust and World War II. The selection of Bess Myerson as the first Jewish Miss America revealed a growing acceptance of Jewish Americans by the mainstream culture. Chapters: 1939- Albert Einstein Pens Letter to Support Atomic Bomb Research. 1939- The St. Louis Carrying Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany is Turned Away from American Shores. 1942- Physicist Robert Oppenheimer Leads Team to Develop First Atom Bomb. 1944-Jewish Americans Fight with Valor in WWII. 1945- Bess Myerson is the First Jewish American to be Crowned Miss America.

    Length: 00:28:36
    Usage rights: Expires 6/30/2034
  • Jewish Americans Enter Mainstream American Culture

    At last Jewish Americans are part of mainstream American culture; influential individuals such as Betty Friedan, Bob Dylan, and Mike Wallace perform important roles in women's rights, music, TV journalism and economic policy. Chapters: 1963- Betty Friedan Leads the Women's Movement. 1965- Bob Dylan Shocks the Newport Folk Festival. 1965- Hank Greenberg, Sandy Koufax, Mark Spitz. 1968- Mike Wallace Establishes Investigative TV Journalism. 1970- Samuelson and Friedman, Nobel Prize Winning Economists.

    Length: 00:28:37
    Usage rights: Expires 6/30/2034
  • Jewish Americans Spread Out Across The Country

    Led by the bold entrepreneur Levi Strauss, the visionary labor leader Samuel Gompers and the great public servant Oscar Straus, Jewish Americans help advance the U.S. into becoming a beacon of democracy. Chapters: 1860- Uriah P. Levy Becomes First Jewish American Commodore in U.S. Navy. 1873- Levi Strauss Patents Blue Jeans. 1876- From Immigrants to Settlers: Jewish Americans on the Western Frontier. 1886-Samuel Gompers is Elected First President of the American Federation of Labor. 1903- Oscar Straus is the First Jewish American Appointed to a Presidential Cabinet.

    Length: 00:28:42
    Usage rights: Expires 6/30/2034
  • Jewish Americans Succeed in All Walks of American Life

    Harry Houdini, renowned magician, headlines a magnificent cast of Jewish American achievers celebrated for brilliance in science, the law and an astonishing new enterprise: the motion picture industry. Chapters: 1903- Emma Lazarus Poem is Inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. 1907- Albert A. Michelson is the First American to Win Nobel Prize in Physics. 1912- Harry Houdini Performs His Greatest Escape. 1916- Louis Brandeis is the First Jewish American Appointed to the US Supreme Court. 1919- Jewish Americans Found Hollywood.

    Length: 00:28:58
    Usage rights: Expires 6/30/2034
  • Jewish Settlers Come to America

    Escaping persecution in Europe, Jewish pioneers such as Asser Levy and Luis Moses Gomez begin a new life of economic freedom and civil rights in America. 1654- First Jewish Pioneers Arrive in the New World. 1714- Luis Moses Gomez Starts Thriving Fur Trade. 1778- Jewish Americans Aid the American Revolution. 1819- Rebecca Gratz Founds the Female Hebrew Benevolent Society. 1843- B'nai B'rith is Founded. 1844- David Levy Yulee is the First Jewish American US Senator.

    Length: 00:28:09
    Usage rights: Expires 6/30/2034
  • The Flowering of Jewish Americans

    The fantastic achievements of writers, scientists, and composers are just a few of the amazing stories chronicled in this program; including 20th century medical hero, Jonas Salk. Chapters: 1946- Aaron Copland Debuts His Third Symphony. 1947- David Sarnoff: The Father of American TV. 1948- Brandeis University is Founded. 1949- Arthur Miller Produces Death of a Salesman. 1953- Jonas Salk Develops Polio Vaccine. 1954- Admiral Hyman Rickover Builds America's Nuclear Navy. 1961- Jewish American Authors Expand Literary Genres.

    Length: 00:28:52
    Usage rights: Expires 6/30/2034



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