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Video Details

Be Kind

Next Airing: Wed, Jun 19th, 2024 at 11:18 AM on UEN-TV
Length: 00:09:09
Usage rights: 7/1/2021 to 6/30/2026

Availability information for this program

When Tanisha spills grape juice all over her new dress, her classmate wants to make her feel better, wondering: What does it mean to be kind? From asking the new girl to play to standing up for someone being bullied, this moving story explores what kindness is, and how any act, big or small, can make a difference?or at least help a friend. With a gentle text from the award-winning author of Sophie's Squash, Pat Zietlow Miller, and irresistible art from Jen Hill, Be Kind is an unforgettable story about how two simple words can change the world.



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