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Video Details

Western Folklife

Grade Levels: 9 - 12
Core Subject(s): Social Studies
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • Western Folklife. A Cow and Her Boy.

    An unruly cow finds a friend in the filmmaker's son. Unfortunatly, this is the only person the cow seems to warm to.

    Length: 00:03:57
  • Western Folklife. Deep West Videos. Ben and Ole's Land.

    This is a quest to find the family's original homestead. THe filmaker finds inspiration going back. She has written the music and performs it in her video.

    Length: 00:12:23
  • Western Folklife. Deep West Videos. Branding.

    This is a film about how Morton's brother introduced city slicekrs to ranch work and at the same time got his branding done.

    Length: 00:06:26
  • Western Folklife. Deep West Videos. Brothers.

    Some brothers mix like oil and water but occasionally a brother comes along who inspires his younger brother from day one. This film profiles this relationship.

    Length: 00:05:02
  • Western Folklife. Deep West Videos. What Do You Do Around Here?

    A boy from the city comes to visit his country cousins on the Glaser Ranch and in a single day sees that life in the country is essentially different than city living.

    Length: 00:05:07
  • Western Folklife. Old West, New West Videos. Boarding Out.

    This film is a personal story about the decision remote ranch families have to make when their kids finish elementary school, and it's time to send them to town to attend high school. Some ranchers board their children with families in town, while other families choose to live separately, with mom and all the kids moving to town, and dad working the ranch alone.

    Length: 00:08:05
  • Western Folklife. Old West, New West Videos. From Logs to Lots.

    Kier's hometown of Eureka, Montana is changing. Logging and other resource based economics are being transplanted by real estate development. Atherton chooses to look at the complexity of the issue and talks to people on all sides with deep respect.

    Length: 00:07:33
  • Western Folklife. Old West, New West Videos. Growing Home.

    Like many who grew up on the land, Tuda Crews wants her grandchildren to come back to the country. In this film Crews shows what her community is doing to revitalized itself in the face of dire statistics about kids leaving for the city.

    Length: 00:06:55
  • Western Folklife. Old West, New West Videos. Joe McCormack's Homeland.

    Joe McCormack view the land of the Nez Perce people with great reverence. In this film he takes us on a personal journey to a small section of his ancestral homeland that the tribe has recently re-acquired, and is using to bolster the food-gathering and spiritual traditions of the Nez Perce.

    Length: 00:08:05
  • Western Folklife. Old West, New West Videos. Kitchen On the Range.

    The work of a ranch wife is tough enough, but haivng a tiny outdated kitchen can make preparing hot meals for hungry ranch hands a tall order. In this video, Susan pleads with Martha Stewart to award her a contest prize of a kitchen makeover.

    Length: 00:03:50
  • Western Folklife. Old West, New West Videos. Range War.

    Whit Deschner comes from a family who knows how to feud. This film is a recounting of how a series of practical jokes progressed to the point of a serious animosity between Whit and a neighbor. Luckily, it's one of those stories that the principals can laugh about now.

    Length: 00:06:25
  • Western Folklife. Old West, New West Videos. What's a Nice Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This?

    Get to know the Old West town of Blocksburg the way Kristin Windbigler knows it. Friendly neighbors, beautiful scenery, and a small, close-to-home feel everyone shares. This story unveils Blocksburg through the eyes of someone who loves the town and forgives its reputation (sometimes earned, sometimes not) of being a rough, reckless, law-dodging place to live.

    Length: 00:07:15



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