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Video Details

Ohio State University

Grade Levels: 9 - 12
Core Subject(s): Science
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • Ohio State University. Dancing DNA: Part 01.

    Through creative modern dance movement and choreography, DNA processes such as DNA replication are acted out in a playful, artistic way. Animation and other visual aids are interspersed with the modern dancing for additional clarification and representation of DNA processes.

    Length: 00:05:15
  • Ohio State University. Dancing DNA: Part 02.

    Through creative modern dance movement and choreography, DNA processes such as DNA replication are acted out in a playful, artistic way. Animation and other visual aids, including descriptive narrative text, are interspersed with the modern dancing for additional clarification and representation of DNA processes.

    Length: 00:05:30
  • Ohio State University. Know the Difference: Theory vs. Hypothesis.

    Do YOU know the difference between a theory and a hypothesis? This video shows how most people have trouble making the distinction. It stresses the importance of educating oneself so that, when called upon to vote (the example is given of the evolution/creationism issue) on controversial issues that involve theories, one will be well educated and able to cast an informed vote.

    Length: 00:06:31
  • Ohio State University. Marching the Krebs Cycle: Part 01.

    A marching band, playing plucky marching music, acts out the chemical interactions and processes of the Krebs Cycle on a football field. The video shows the band footage alongside computer-generated animation of the Krebs Cycle to supplement the marched representation.

    Length: 00:01:37
  • Ohio State University. Marching the Krebs Cycle: Part 02.

    A marching band, playing plucky marching music, acts out the chemical interactions and processes of the Krebs Cycle on a football field. The video shows the band footage with super-imposed computer-generated animation of the Krebs Cycle to supplement the marched representation.

    Length: 00:01:32
  • Ohio State University. Marching the Krebs Cycle: Part 03.

    From a bird's eye view, a marching band plays plucky marching music while acting out the chemical interactions and processes of the Krebs Cycle on a football field. Individual members and couples run into and out of the video frame to represent the entering and exiting of chemicals and enzymes.

    Length: 00:01:19
  • Ohio State University. Marching the Krebs Cycle: Part 04.

    A marching band, playing plucky marching music, acts out the chemical interactions and processes of the Krebs Cycle on a football field. Various camera angles are used, some from a bird's eye view, some at eye-level. Digital animation of the chemical reaction supplements the marching band's representation for additional clarity.

    Length: 00:01:36
  • Ohio State University. The Origin of Life on Earth.

    The origin of life on earth is sought to be explained, using ideas and rhetoric from both the theory of evolution and creationism. DNA, peptides, proteins, and other building blocks of life are featured in this video as the fundamental stuffs that stewed and eventually took shape many eons ago. Computer-generated animation and pictures aide the viewer in visualizing the microscopic elements discussed.

    Length: 00:04:49
  • Ohio State University. Z-Scheme.

    Ohio-born football coach Jim Tressel narrates the processes of the Z-scheme chemical reaction that is the initial stage of photosynthesis. Digital animation shows football players acting out the transfer of light/energy and substances (represented by a football and the rearrangement of players) to demonstrate the actions that take place during photosynthesis.

    Length: 00:03:03



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