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Video Details

Freedom: A History of US

Grade Levels: 6 - 12
Core Subject(s): Social Studies
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 01-Independence.

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:48
  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 02-Revolution.

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:34
  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 03-Liberty for All?

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:45
  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 04-Wake Up, America.

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:32
  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 05-A Fatal Contradiction.

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:48
  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 06-A War to End Slavery.

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:34
  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 07-What is Freedom?

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:48
  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 08-Whose Land is This?

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:34
  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 09-Working for Freedom.

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:48
  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 10-Yearning to Breathe Free.

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:33
  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 11-Safe for Democracy.

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:48
  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 12-Depression and War.

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:34
  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 13-Democracy and Struggles.

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:48
  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 14-Let Freedom Ring.

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:34
  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 15-Marching to Freedom Land.

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:48
  • Freedom: A History of US. Episode 16-Becoming Free.

    "Freedom" is the overarching theme of this sixteen-part series, based on the award winning books by master storyteller Joy Hakim. This is a history of the United States as the unfolding, inspiring story of human liberties aspired to and won.

    Length: 00:26:34



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