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Video Details

Jean-Michel Cousteau: Ocean Adventures

Grade Levels: 6 - 12
Core Subject(s): Science
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • Jean-Michel Cousteau: Ocean Adventures. Sharks at Risk.

    In Sharks at Risk, Jean-Michel Cousteau and his team meet sharks face-to-face in two intense expeditions. The first takes place in French Polynesia in the Tuamotu Archipelago at Rangiroa, the second-largest coral atoll in the world and an underwater paradise that is famous for its large concentration of sharks. The second is off the coast of South Africa, at the Cape of Good Hope, where Jean-Michel and others swim with the most feared of all sharks -- the great white.

    Length: 00:54:58
  • Jean-Michel Cousteau: Ocean Adventures, Voyage to Kure

    In Voyage to Kure, Jean-Michel Cousteau and his team of 20 experienced divers and scientists travel for six weeks aboard the Searcher to the farthest edge of the NWHI, the remote Kure Atoll. Along the way, they stop to explore reefs and islands teeming with life and to meet the researchers and scientists working to protect these fragile ecosystems. The Cousteau team's goal is to explore a realm that seems beyond human impact, to show its wonders to the world and to encourage its protection. Using the latest diving, filmmaking and communication technology, they are truly modern-day explorers.

    Length: 01:47:48



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