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Video Details

The Civil War

Grade Levels: 6 - 12
Core Subject(s): Social Studies
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • The Civil War: Ep.5 - The Universe of Battle

    Hailed as a film masterpiece and landmark in historical storytelling, Ken Burns' epic documentary brings to life America's most destructive -- and defining -- conflict. Here is the saga of celebrated generals and ordinary soldiers, a heroic and transcendent president and a country that had to divide itself in two in order to become one. Episode Five opens with a dramatic account of the turning point of war: the Battle of Gettysburg, the greatest ever fought in the Western Hemisphere. This episode then goes on to chronicle the fall of Vicksburg, the New York draft riots, the first use of black troops, and the western battles at Chickamauga, Georgia and Chattanooga, Tennessee.

    Length: 01:36:23
  • The Civil War. Episode 01-The Cause.

    Hailed as a film masterpiece and landmark in historical storytelling, Ken Burns' epic documentary brings to life America's most destructive -- and defining -- conflict. Here is the saga of celebrated generals and ordinary soldiers, a heroic and transcendent president and a country that had to divide itself in two in order to become one. Beginning with a searing indictment of slavery, this first episode dramatically evokes the causes of the war, from the Cotton Kingdom of the South to the northern abolitionists who opposed it.

    Length: 01:40:21
  • The Civil War. Episode 02-A Very Bloody Affair.

    Hailed as a film masterpiece and landmark in historical storytelling, Ken Burns' epic documentary brings to life America's most destructive -- and defining -- conflict. Here is the saga of celebrated generals and ordinary soldiers, a heroic and transcendent president and a country that had to divide itself in two in order to become one. 1862 saw the birth of modern warfare and the transformation of Lincoln?s war to preserve the Union into a war to emancipate the slaves. During this episode we witness the battle of ironclad ships, partake of camp life, and watch slavery begin to crumble.

    Length: 01:09:04
  • The Civil War. Episode 03-Forever Free.

    Hailed as a film masterpiece and landmark in historical storytelling, Ken Burns' epic documentary brings to life America's most destructive -- and defining -- conflict. Here is the saga of celebrated generals and ordinary soldiers, a heroic and transcendent president and a country that had to divide itself in two in order to become one. This episode charts the dramatic events that led to Lincoln?s decision to set the slaves free.

    Length: 01:16:48
  • The Civil War. Episode 04-Simply Murder.

    Hailed as a film masterpiece and landmark in historical storytelling, Ken Burns' epic documentary brings to life America's most destructive -- and defining -- conflict. Here is the saga of celebrated generals and ordinary soldiers, a heroic and transcendent president and a country that had to divide itself in two in order to become one. During this episode we learn of fierce Northern opposition to Lincoln?s Emancipation Proclamation, the miseries of regimental life and the increasing desperation of the Confederate homefront. As the episode ends, Lee decides to invade the North again to draw Grant?s forces away from Vicksburg.

    Length: 01:02:54
  • The Civil War. Episode 06-Valley of the Shadow of Death.

    Hailed as a film masterpiece and landmark in historical storytelling, Ken Burns' epic documentary brings to life America's most destructive -- and defining -- conflict. Here is the saga of celebrated generals and ordinary soldiers, a heroic and transcendent president and a country that had to divide itself in two in order to become one. Episode six begins with a biographical comparison of Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee and then chronicles the extraordinary series of battles that pitted the two generals against each other. Finally, With Grant and Lee deadlocked at Petersburg, we visit the ghastly hospitals north and south and follow General Sherman?s Atlanta campaign through the mountains of north Georgia.

    Length: 01:10:17
  • The Civil War. Episode 07-Most Hallowed Ground.

    Hailed as a film masterpiece and landmark in historical storytelling, Ken Burns' epic documentary brings to life America's most destructive -- and defining -- conflict. Here is the saga of celebrated generals and ordinary soldiers, a heroic and transcendent president and a country that had to divide itself in two in order to become one. Episode Seven begins with the presidential election of 1864 that sets Abraham Lincoln against his old commanding general, George McClellan. With Grant and Sherman stalled at Petersburg and Atlanta, opinion in the North has turned strongly against the war. But 11th-hour victories at Mobile Bay, Atlanta, and the Shenandoah Valley tilt the election to Lincoln and the Confederacy?s last hope for independence dies.

    Length: 01:12:50
  • The Civil War. Episode 08-War is All Hell.

    Hailed as a film masterpiece and landmark in historical storytelling, Ken Burns' epic documentary brings to life America's most destructive -- and defining -- conflict. Here is the saga of celebrated generals and ordinary soldiers, a heroic and transcendent president and a country that had to divide itself in two in order to become one. Episode Eight begins with William Tecumseh Sherman?s brilliant march to the sea, which spells the end of the Confederacy. Lee?s tattered Army of Northern Virginia flees westward towards a tiny crossroads town called Appomattox Court House. There the dramatic and deeply moving surrender of Lee to Grant takes place.

    Length: 01:09:38
  • The Civil War. Episode 09-The Better Angels of Our Nature.

    Hailed as a film masterpiece and landmark in historical storytelling, Ken Burns' epic documentary brings to life America's most destructive -- and defining -- conflict. Here is the saga of celebrated generals and ordinary soldiers, a heroic and transcendent president and a country that had to divide itself in two in order to become one. This extraordinary final episode of The Civil War begins in the bittersweet aftermath of Lee?s surrender and then goes on to narrate the horrendous events of five days later when, on April 14, Lincoln is assassinated.

    Length: 01:09:43



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