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Video Details

Lewis and Clark

Grade Levels: 6 - 12
Core Subject(s): Social Studies
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • Lewis and Clark. Part 01.

    It was the most important expedition in American history, led by two utterly different men: the brilliant but troubled Meriwether Lewis and his friend, the outgoing and steadfast William Clark. With them were an African-American slave; the Shoshone woman, Sacagawea; French-Canadian boatmen; a crew of young American soldiers--even a Newfoundland dog. Charged in 1803 with locating the mythical Northwest Passage to the Pacific, this intrepid band of explorers instead discovered a varied and breathtaking landscape and encountered a dizzying diversity of Indian peoples. Drawing from the magnificent journals and stories from Indian oral tradition, the film re-creates the real-life adventure of the Lewis and Clark expedition.

    Length: 01:56:02
  • Lewis and Clark. Part 02.

    It was the most important expedition in American history, led by two utterly different men: the brilliant but troubled Meriwether Lewis and his friend, the outgoing and steadfast William Clark. With them were an African-American slave; the Shoshone woman, Sacagawea; French-Canadian boatmen; a crew of young American soldiers--even a Newfoundland dog. Charged in 1803 with locating the mythical Northwest Passage to the Pacific, this intrepid band of explorers instead discovered a varied and breathtaking landscape and encountered a dizzying diversity of Indian peoples. Drawing from the magnificent journals and stories from Indian oral tradition, the film re-creates the real-life adventure of the Lewis and Clark expedition.

    Length: 01:56:26



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