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Video Details

Neuroscience, Confidence, & Leadership for Girls and Women

Grade Levels: 9 - 12
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • A Neuroscience Approach to Learning & Leadership Development for Girls & Young Women

    How is a girl’s mind different than a boy’s mind? And how do those differences affect a girl’s self-esteem, confidence, and her ability and motivation to learn and lead? Drawing from the fields of neuroscience, human development, and education, participants will learn about the development and function of the female brain in modern society. This engaging workshop, designed for parents, educators, counselors, and other influencers, will address the powerful impact of expectations and messages on the minds of girls and young women.

    Length: 01:04:15
  • A Neuroscience Approach to Transform Your Leadership as Women

    Learn the neuroscience principles behind the emerging area of personal leadership. This workshop will teach you how to identify and capitalize on your natural strengths as women to realize your full leadership potential. Based on both neuroscience and social science research, this workshop includes elements of a 3-day training program that Dr. Sunnie Giles provides to Fortune 500 companies and the U.S. government. Dr. Giles is president of the Quantum Leadership Group, an executive coaching and leadership training company. She is also an advisor and coach at the Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies at the Stanford Business School.

    Length: 01:18:18
  • Strengthen Your Confidence as Young Women

    The latest research continues to say that girls and young women struggle more with confidence than boys and young men. Why is this the case? Why is confidence so important? What can we do to strengthen and keep a strong sense of self confidence? This engaging workshop, specifically designed for middle/high school and college young women, will help you understand how you can strengthen your confidence to be a force for good in the world. All girls and young women can learn to strengthen and use confidence in every aspect of your lives. Dr. Madsen is the Orin R. Woodbury Professor of Leadership & Ethics in the Woodbury School of Business at Utah Valley University.

    Length: 01:17:55



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