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Video Details

Declining By Degrees: Higher Education at Risk

Grade Levels: 9 - 12
Core Subject(s): Social Studies
Length: 01:56:27
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

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At a time when a college education is vital to an individual's future and our nation's economic standing in the world, "Declining By Degrees: Higher Education at Risk" explores the simple yet significant question: What happens between admission and graduation? The answer: often not enough. Educators and experts across the country say the time for reform is now. Going beyond what Americans believe about the college experience, Declining by Degrees exposes the disappointment, disorientation and deflation that so many college students feel, and the struggles they face, regardless of the schools they choose to attend. It also goes on to address the issue of the quality and readiness of America's workforce.



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