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Video Details

Rediscovering John Berryman

Length: 00:26:48
Usage rights: 10/15/2022 to 10/14/2025

Availability information for this program

Forty years after his death, the poet and scholar, John Berryman's legacy is examined and celebrated in this short film, 'Rediscovering John Berryman: Celebrating John Berryman's Centennial 1914-2014.' A film by Twin Cities' film industry legend, Al Milgrom, this documentary features numerous scholars, experts, and musical artists that have been inspired by Berryman's prolific career. Berryman is best known for his Pulitzer Prize winning collection of poetry called 'The Dream Songs' and for his tragic suicide off the Washington Avenue Bridge in 1972, while professor at the University of Minnesota.



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