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Video Details

America Beyond the Color Line

Grade Levels: 6 - 12
Core Subject(s): Social Studies
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • America Beyond the Color Line. 02-Chicago: Streets of Heaven.

    One hundred years ago, the celebrated African-American intellectual, W.E.B. DuBois, famously identified the problem of the 20th century as "the problem of the color line." America has come a long way since DuBois made his prophecy, and the politics of race have undergone dramatic change. For host Henry Louis Gates, Jr., this is both the best and the worst of times. Black Americans are center stage in almost every arena, and opportunities have opened up that just three decades ago seemed unimaginable. But huge obstacles remain. In this series, Gates travels to four different parts of America; his destination in this episode - inner-city Chicago.

    Length: 00:56:39
  • America Beyond the Color Line. 03-East Coast: Ebony Towers.

    One hundred years ago, the celebrated African-American intellectual, W.E.B. DuBois, famously identified the problem of the 20th century as "the problem of the color line." America has come a long way since DuBois made his prophecy, and the politics of race have undergone dramatic change. For host Henry Louis Gates ,Jr., this is both the best and the worst of times. Black Americans are center stage in almost every arena, and opportunities have opened up that just three decades ago seemed unimaginable. But huge obstacles remain. In this series, Gates travels to four different parts of America; his destination in this episode - the East Coast.

    Length: 00:55:34
  • America Beyond the Color Line: Ep.1 - South: The Black Belt

    One hundred years ago, the celebrated African-American intellectual, W.E.B. DuBois, famously identified the problem of the 20th century as "the problem of the color line." America has come a long way since DuBois made his prophecy, and the politics of race have undergone dramatic change. For host Henry Louis Gates, Jr., this is both the best and the worst of times. Black Americans are center stage in almost every arena, and opportunities have opened up that just three decades ago seemed unimaginable. But huge obstacles remain. In this series, Gates travels to four different parts of America; his destination in this episode - the deep South.

    Length: 00:55:35



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