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Video Details

SpyHop Student Productions

Grade Levels: 9 - 12
Core Subject(s): Health Education
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • SpyHop Student Productions: 17 Reasons to Live

    A cancer survivor talks about enduring chemo treatments and the rich life she has led rearing her five children and then adopting twelve more.

    Length: 00:07:38
  • SpyHop Student Productions: Brains

    In the spirit of Max Brooks' book 'The Zombie Survival Guide,' two teenage brother decide to make a documentary about how to survive the apocalyptic disaster of a zombie invasion.

    Length: 00:11:35
  • SpyHop Student Productions: Brittany's Story

    A high school cheerleader with muscular dystrophy overcomes the obstacles of life in a wheelchair.

    Length: 00:07:32
  • SpyHop Student Productions: Brother of Mine

    A documentary by Ethan Pullan, Alek Sabin, and Pat Thompson, accounting the personal story of Ethan Pullan's brother who died tragically from leukemia and his family's challenge to cope.

    Length: 00:00:25
  • SpyHop Student Productions: Destination SLC

    A documentary by Collin Griffith and Chris Carpenter which details a refugee's journey to make a new home from Africa to Salt Lake City.

    Length: 00:18:21
  • SpyHop Student Productions: Let It Be

    An eighteen-year-old couple gets married against all odds. They describe the challenges of marrying at a young age.

    Length: 00:06:49
  • SpyHop Student Productions: Pressure

    A teen filmmaker explores the source of his debilitating headaches.

    Length: 00:05:32
  • SpyHop Student Productions: Red

    A young pan-sexual explains her sexuality and recounts her process of coming out.

    Length: 00:06:18
  • SpyHop Student Productions: Theater Camp

    Profile of annual children's theater camp and the woman who runs it.

    Length: 00:06:45
  • SpyHop Student Productions: The Ladies: An Attempt To Communicate

    Teen filmmaker asks why he has a hard time talking to girls.

    Length: 00:06:47
  • SpyHop Student Productions: The Marble Lady

    A profile of the woman who built the world's largest marble collection and her ideas about volunteerism.

    Length: 00:07:26



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