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Video Details

Three Generations of Beaders

Grade Levels: 6 - 12
Core Subject(s): Fine Arts - Visual Arts, Social Studies
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • Loomed Beadwork and the Cultural Importance of Ute Crafts

    Third-generation Northern Ute beader, nineteen year-old Debbie Duncan (aka Penningjack), shows how to bead on a loom while talking about her work and its cultural importance. She talks about her current project - - making a beaded saddle and bridle for her horse. She shows how to go about it and talks about beading on a loom. She also explains that beadwork, for her, is a way to share Ute culture with others and a way to expresse pride at being a member of a beadworking family. Virginia Duncan. Debbie's mother, Maxine Duncan (aka Manning) and her grandmother Virginia Duncan, are also featured in the video.

    Length: 00:03:15
  • Ute Beading Techniques

    Second generation Northern Ute beader, forty-two year-old Maxine Duncan (aka Manning), shows examples of her work and talks about various beading techniques. She explains that she learned to bead by watching her grandmother at work. Pointing to numerous examples of beadwork, she describes and demonstrates beading with needles and thread. She talks about the process -- choosing the design, cutting the patterns, picking the color and the assembling the beads. She shows examples of pieces created by 1) threading a row of beads and then periodically tacking them down or 2) beading by tacking down every third bead or 3) by sewing down just one bead at a time. Maxine's mother, Virginia Duncan, and Maxine's daughter, Debbie Duncan (aka Penningjack), are also featured in the video.

    Length: 00:04:54
  • Ute Beadwork and Language Keeps Culture Strong

    Northern Ute beader, sixty-year-old Virginia Duncan, speaking in both English and Ute, does beadwork while encouraging the youth to learn beading, and the Ute language in order to keep their culture strong. She encourages them to learn these thing now, even if they don't use the skills until later. She warns against loosing more aspects of Ute culture, like language, and suggests these skills need to be learned so they can be shared with future children. Virginia's daughter, Maxine Duncan (aka Manning) and her granddaughter, Debbie Duncan (aka Penningjack), are also featured in the video.

    Length: 00:01:25



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