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Video Details

LeConte Stewart: Landscape Painter

Grade Levels: 6 - 12
Core Subject(s): Fine Arts - Visual Arts
Usage rights: Download and retain personal copies in perpetuity.

Availability information for this program


  • Landscape Painting - Observing and Capturing the Color Harmonies and Designs in Nature

    Landscape painter LeConte Stewart talks about the beauty of bare trees and the need to love nature and observe it closely in order to paint it well. He discusses the major and minor tones found in the color harmonies of nature during different seasons and the complexity of capturing the colors that are reflected in snow. Included are a number of paintings of fall and winter scenes, in both oil and pastel.

    Length: 00:02:14
  • Landscape Painting - Selecting the Right Subject and Painting Outdoors

    After several of his pastel paintings are shown, landscape painter LeConte Stewart paints an oil landscape out-of-doors. Through the painting process, he discusses how his own reaction to a particular landscape, its possibilities for creating a good design and composition and his sensitivity to color relationships help him decide what to paint. He talks about repeating the same subject until he is well acquainted with it. He also discusses how painting or drawing outside allows him to capture the light, air and mood of the day on canvas, or on paper, that he can then take into the studio for additional work.

    Length: 00:02:58
  • Landscape Painting - Techniques With Pastels and the Story of Leconte Sewart Becoming an Artist

    Landscape painter LeConte Stewart talks about working with pastels. He explains that he uses several different techniques to apply them to the paper and how these techniques illustrate the Impressionist's theory of color. As he draws out-of-doors, he talks about the love of nature and the love of art that led him, from childhood, to become an artist. As he finishes his pastel painting, narrator J. Spencer Kinnard, talks about Stewart's lifestyle, the essence of his work and his contribution to Utah art.

    Length: 00:02:41



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